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Resource Introduction

Artist-led activity

Chris Brown introduces a rulebook to guide you through the whys and wherefores of artist-led activity.

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Resource Introduction

Open exhibitions

A collection of material relating to open exhibitions, including top tips on assessing and applying for open exhibitions and on setting one up.

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Resource Introduction

Artists in empty shops

Dan Thompson from The Revolutionary Arts Group reveals how artists are once again making use of empty spaces as a means to kick-start both the cultural and economic well being of town centres, and suggests seven steps to enable this area of practice to flourish.

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Reverse Karaoke
Resource Introduction

Curatorial practice

An overview of curatorial practice, highlights profiles and other resources on this topic.

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Peckham Space proposed visual of new building on Peckham Square, by Penson Ltd, 2009.
Resource Introduction

Independent perspectives

Emily Druiff and Sophie Hope discuss independent practice in relation self-initiated curator and artist-led projects.

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Studio at the British School at Rome
Resource Introduction

International residencies

Paul Stone explores the wide range of International residency options available to artists and offers a framework for considering what you might want from a residency.

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One of the studios
Resource Introduction

Group studios

Paul Glinkowski looks at the UK studio landscape, highlighting successful new studio models. He also offers advice to artists wanting to set-up their own group.

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Installation view, Berwick Gymnasium
Resource Introduction


Introduction to different kinds of residencies and what they have to offer for creative and career development.

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