East Midlands - Page 10 of 33 - a-n The Artists Information Company


Beyond Seven Mountains

Perpetuating Myths Once upon a time, beyond seven mountains, beyond seven forests, a black swan came to the town of Corby. The swan was nearly four metres high and looked out on to the boating lake in Thoroughsale Wood. The […]

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Doug Fishbone’s Leisure Land

As an artist and parent, I spend a lot of time thinking about how art can function to both engage both myself, as a 50’s something artist and my 7 year old daughter. As a show Doug Fishbone’s ‘Leisure land […]

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Sounds of Home Suite Lecture Recital

Hats off to Paula Boulton 10th August 2015. Paula Boulton wears a fetching pink hat. Those fortunate enough to work with her before and after this date will also know she has many hats in her creative wardrobe: musician; director; […]

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