Reality and its disorders exhibition
Espacio Gallery -
September 09, 2020 -
September 19, 2020 -
At MOCA London’s lockdown event ‘Focus Zoom’, Quilla Constance introduced her video ‘Pukijam’ (2015) as an articulation of the constant activation between her black and white heritage; how her biracial subject position might enable more liberating modes of being.
‘The Liminal Phase’ co-curated by Micha Eden Erdész and Rebecca Jewell Supported by Stadium Capital Holdings, Arsenal Regeneration Team, Florence Trust, Royal College of Art, Institute of Ideas, The Big Draw, Targetti, Howden, ADI Solutions & Audiovisual, Ham and High, […]
Postponed solo show due to Covid 19
A multiply layered and wide ranging exhibition.
I went out to see if the coronavirus experience had motivated any of east London’s street artists to respond to our current situation.