Drawn Together
North City Library -
October 11, 2014 at 10:00 AM -
North West England
Matisse cut-outs at The Tate – Summer 2014
Henry and Rose Pearlman’s collection in Oxford
Travelling home from visiting the new Malevich exhibition at the Tate Modern today I am trying to understand why I have been so much more impressed with this show than the Matisse cut-outs that have been so highly praised recently? […]
***Please note this review is by Wayne Burrows and not Andrew Bracey***
August 28 – August 30, 11.00-19.30 August 31 – September 4, 11.00-17.00 I’d still like to see the Governor… takes place at Brewery Tap (UCA’s Project space) in conjunction with the Folkestone Triennial. This is the second opportunity […]
The first in a series of independently curated group exhibitions during Liverpool Biennial, Axolotl has an abundance of connotations, within the press release we are teased with curious narratives