Warwick Bar, Digbeth, Birmingham

‘Warwick Bar, Digbeth, Birmingham’.
The Liminal partnership of architect Frances Crow and sound artist David Prior was appointed as lead artists for a development in Eastside, Birmingham, working with Kinetic AIU architects, MADE Midlands Architecture Centre and developer ISIS, funded by PROJECT distributed by PASW and supported by CABE. “When sound is considered in a cityscape it is usually considered as a nuisance that should be abated. We see sounds as the materials with which we can work to design new city soundscapes that support the experience of living in a city. Like distinctive landmarks the Warwick Bar site also has signficant Soundmarks, as part of our process we are revealing these and will be quesitoning the role they should play in the new development.” www.liminal.org.uk A liminal specialises in integration of sound and architecture to create ‘sonic spaces’.