Eldi Dundee, ‘Aggressive Reindeer On Parade’, photography, 2008. Photo: Eldi Dundee. Courtesy: the artist. 'Taken at THE foremost, most iconic and world-famous American amusement park in Orlando during a Christmas parade in the Florida sunshine, a sight I've seen dozens of times as a child since the park's opening, a darker, almost sinister side to the place is revealed in this series of photos. Philosophical enquiry: did my ex-pat, generation x eyes find this darkness because I was looking for it, or did it just reveal itself because it is intrinsically, insidiously there already?'(Excellent response from a fellow artist friend Rachel Louise Brown: 'There is no light without darkness. I reckon the sinister side was always there. Just like fairy tales.') http://www.greatbritons.ba.com/users/703/uploads/10698