Picture By Jim Wileman – Simon Faithfull exhibition at Hestercombe Gallery, Taunton
9 March ñ 30 June 2019
A new exhibition by Simon Faithfull brings together a series of works which allow gallery visitors to orientate themselves in relation to places across the planet.
Created in response to Hestercombe and its gardens, the solo exhibition Elsewhen brings together a series of works and interventions by internationally acclaimed artist Simon Faithfull. These include:
ï A huge earth cutting which shows the speed that the earthís surface is moving at that particular latitude.
ï Drawings on the gallery windows which show places across the earth on the exact compass bearing that the viewer is looking out.
ï A Garden of Time ñ drawings of plants from across the world; plants that never existed in one place at the same time, but form an imaginary garden that the artist has encountered through time and space.
The artworks try to connect the local, everyday scale of our normal lives to the wider, global scale of the planet.