Liberté Égalité Fraternité is an oil painting executed mostly with blue, white and red, the colours of the France flag.
It represents how peoples ideals always fail to become reality, how the colours of these ideals all get blurred and mixed up in the process of the post revolutions and gradually acquire an ugly aspect soon degrading to mud colour sinked at the bottom of life’s landscape.
It is a cry of pain of someone who cannot accept the fact that in 2022 we are still so seriously and so dangerously threatened by dreadful and terrifying things like fascism, nazism, left oppressive autarchies and all sort of coercive, violent and authoritarian governments, bigotry and religious fanaticisms of all kind all around the world.
It is about how supposed liberators soon rush to occupy the defeated oppressor’s place becoming the new tyrants themselves and all people seems to be forever stuck in violence and suffering and incapable of transform themselves into something better .
Red is the predominant colour because shedded human and non human blood is vivid red in many living beings but overall it is the colour of our own blood is. Shedded blood is by far the must abundant thing produced by humans on earth thorough history. The amount of violence produced by people since we appeared on the planet to today is incalculable. Our history
is terrifying and hard to believe and our present and future don’t seem any better.