Page 2142 – a-n The Artists Information Company

Aggressive Reindeer On Parade

Aggressive Reindeer On Parade

Eldi Dundee, 'Aggressive Reindeer On Parade', photography, 2008. Photo: Eldi Dundee. Courtesy: the artist. 'Taken at THE foremost, most iconic and world-famous American amusement park in Orlando during a Christmas parade in the Florida sunshine, a sight I've seen dozens of times as a child since the park's opening, a darker, almost sinister side to the place is revealed in this series of photos. Philosophical enquiry: did my ex-pat, generation x eyes find this darkness because I was looking for it, or did it just reveal itself because it is intrinsically, insidiously there already?'(Excellent response from a fellow artist  friend Rachel Louise Brown: 'There is no light without darkness. I reckon the sinister side was always there. Just like fairy tales.')
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Mariele Neudecker.
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Alan Currall.
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Annika Strom.
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Chris bellinger, 'Mountain', Mixed, 10/4/09. Photo: Chris Bellinger. A detail of one of the paintings
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Studio Space

Studio Space

Chris Bellinger, 'Studio Space', Acrylic and Mixed Media, 10/4/2009. Photo: Chris bellinger. A Photo of my studio space, playing around with my paintings
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Movement (Bro Dyfriogl)

Movement (Bro Dyfriogl)

Carwyn Evans, 'Movement (Bro Dyfriogl)', MDF, tensile wire, glass, cuckoo clock movement and attachments, 2009. Photo: Carwyn Evans. Courtesy: the artist. Installation, 4 items, 1000 x 450 x 350mm each
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Think of Home, Turn

Think of Home, Turn

Carwyn Evans, 'Think of Home, Turn ', Photographs, Found objects, 2009. Photo: Carwyn Evans. Courtesy: the artist. Hand C-type prints mounted on aluminium, 30 x 40", Installation, dimensions variable
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Carwyn Evans, 'Turn', Found objects, 2009. Photo: Wanda Zyborska. Courtesy: Wanda Zyborska. Installation, dimensions variable
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As you are, Everything seemed so simple and beautiful

As you are, Everything seemed so simple and beautiful

Carwyn Evans, 'As you are, Everything seemed so simple and beautiful', Photograph, 18 x 18", installation, 2009. Photo: Wanda Zyborska. Courtesy: Wanda Zyborska. Framed C-type print, installation as above
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Everything seemed so simple and beautiful

Everything seemed so simple and beautiful

Carwyn Evans, 'Everything seemed so simple and beautiful', Pine, plywood, MDF, card, model railway materials, mixed media, 2009. Photo: Carwyn Evans. Courtesy: the artist. Installation, 5 structures measuring 1700 x 600 x 600mm (base taking an area of 600mm square, table area measuring 400mm square)
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Jon Bowen

Jon Bowen

Photo: Jon Bowen. Son with birthday presents
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Jon Bowen

Jon Bowen

Photo: Jon Bowen. Excited daughter, on brother's birthday
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Jon Bowen

Jon Bowen

2009. Photo: Jon Bowen. The hand from hell
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Jon Bowen, 'Red', Acrylic on Canvas, 2001. Photo: Paul Freestone. Another one of the series of 40 small unstretched canvasses
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Maggie Rose, 'Vivienne', perspex and mixed media maquette, 2009. Photo: Eldi Dundee. Courtesy: the artist. Maggie's maquette for the Canary Wharf group summer show proposal at the bank 
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installation view of (left) Dear Deer, (right) Wives of Jacob 3

installation view of (left) Dear Deer, (right) Wives of Jacob 3

Maggie Rose and Eldi Dundee, 'installation view of (left) Dear Deer, (right) Wives of Jacob 3', film and oil painting, respectively, 2009. Photo: Eldi Dundee. Courtesy: the individual artists. Not to do with the Canary Wharf proposals, but a snippet of previous (and ongoing) work by two of the artists who will be showing, from an earlier group show in E London. Both have been working with mythical narratives and primal female creative/destructive energies in their own ways-- Maggie with the forest and deer imagery and also this notion of a creature that is part woman, part stag, ('a creature born out of the internal battle between instinct and reason') and Eldi using the female wrestlers imagery to explore the struggle between not just female objectification v. agency, but also carnality and spirituality.
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