Page 2160 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Angela Euder.
Oliver Gosling.
Oliver Gosling's studio
Steeven1, 'Worn Converse'. Courtesy: An example of one of the unwanted items
Adrian Heathfield and Tehching Hsieh, 'Out of Now: The Lifeworks of Tehching Hsieh'.
don braisby, 'Don Braisby'.
don braisby, 'Don Braisby'.
don braisby, 'Don Braisby'.
'Kristin and Jesse in the Kitchenette'. Photo: Veronique Chance.
'Dick whisking egg-whites while Erika looks on'. Photo: Veronique Chance.
'Dana, Dick, Scott, Mary and I in the hot spring baths'. Photo: Veronique Chance.
Veronique Chance, 'Joining the Fenland Trail', Video Still.
Veronique Chance, 'The Vermillion Lakes Road (left eye)', Video Still.
Bernard Charnley, 'The Instability Of Spaces 2'. Photo: Bernard Charnley. 'A Different Kind Of Beauty' Exhibition at Harrington Mill Studios, 29th March - 27th April 2009.
Leigh Williams and Ben Hultum, 'High Speed Assemblages', mixed media, 2009. The field chosen for the action that will happen on 9th May 2009 - watch this space!!
Nicola Kearey, '1578 Lights', Digital Print, 2009. Photo: Nicola Kearey. Part of 'Moving Lights' project.
''What the chamber Maid Saw' detail', Installation in The Grand Hotel. Photo: Julia Gatie.
''What the chamber Maid Saw' detail', Installation in The Grand Hotel. Photo: Julia Gatie.
''What the chamber Maid Saw' detail', Installation in The Grand Hotel. Photo: Julia Gatie.
'Detail - 'What the Chamber Maid Saw''. Photo: Julia Gatie.
Debra Swann, 'Trouble in Paradise installation', mixed, 2009. Photo: Tether. Courtesy: Debra Swann.
Debra Swann, 'Trouble in Paradise installation', mixed, 2009. Photo: Tether. Courtesy: Debra Swann.
Debra Swann, 'Trouble In Paradise'. Section of installation
Debra Swann, 'Trouble In Paradise'. Installation View