Rachel Evans, ''curtain hooks'', Curtain hooks and netting from a bath scrub. Photo: India Hobson.
Rachel Evans, 'Dust masks', Dust masks. Photo: India Hobson.
Richard Cook, 'Complexities of the Aesthetic', Mixed, 05/03/09.
andrew martyn sugars, 'one white window and two coloured windows.', 2009.
'Parisian Gramaphone trumpet'. Photo: Carol Ramsay.
'Seaforth A-Z book (photoshop effects)'.
Seaforth A-Z book in situ, 'Carol Ramsay'.
Seaforth A-Z book, 'Carol Ramsay'.
'Maquette forSefton Park sculpture'.
There are many Mongol workers (construction) reconstructing the area around this hillside.
'Rob Turner'. Me drawing out the cartoon, the bit with the indian.
Paul Evans, 'Leviathan', graphite on paper, February 2009. Photo: Dan Sumption. Courtesy: danshotme.com. Life sized drawing of a sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalous) measuring 10m x 4.5m.
me, 'mid', hair. clip. invisible thread., mar 09. Photo: me. Courtesy: me.