Page 2172 – a-n The Artists Information Company


Laurence Payot.
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Bonjour Monsieur Courbet

Bonjour Monsieur Courbet

Gustave Courbet, ‘Bonjour Monsieur Courbet’, oil on canvas, 132 x150.5cm, 1854.
Courtesy: Musee Fabre and
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Balkan Naci Islimyeli, ‘Straightjacket’.
Courtesy: Istanbul Modern.
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Indian Wearing a 'Witney Blanket'

Indian Wearing a ‘Witney Blanket’

'Indian Wearing a 'Witney Blanket''. Here is the Indian I hoped to meet on our dog walk. He is detail from my Witney mosaic design. He is wearing a blanket exported from Witney in the Cottswolds to America, as merchandice for trade with the Indians! You would have thought it would be the other way round!
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Totem Pole

Totem Pole

'Totem Pole'. Me and Cosmo walked into Canada and I wanted to 'turn In'jun'.
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the moon lights me up

the moon lights me up

andrew martyn sugars, 'the moon lights me up', new media, 10?2?09. the moon lights me up on the day that a 'major public art project is unvieled'  wallinger makes me embarressed to call myself an artist, i had hoped for him to be more aware.  oh well, i'll hope my dissertation is well recieved, if so, maybe there is hope.
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Caitlin Heffernan

Caitlin Heffernan

'Caitlin Heffernan', 2008. Photo: Wokritt Lodge.
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'You Now Stink of Art'

‘You Now Stink of Art’

Rosanne Robertson, ''You Now Stink of Art'', Ink on paper, ink on wood, 2009. Some of my pieces end up reduced to a satement or a question- mainly questions. I will spend hours thinking about something in particular and a simple sentence will come out. Trying to do something more in depth in some cases is not neccessary. 
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Blue and Yellow Following Piece

Blue and Yellow Following Piece

Tom Duggan, 'Blue and Yellow Following Piece', Paint on wall, January 2009. Courtesy: Tom Duggan.
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ladder to another world

ladder to another world

'ladder to another world', recycled glass. Glass by Martin Evans Photo Rob Turner Croping and enhancements Sarah Daniels. Transition Guard 'Oscar'
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