Page 2174 – a-n The Artists Information Company
'The Regional Print Centre at Yale Wrexham'.
Amy-Leigh Atkins, 'Untitled'.
Heather & Ivan Morrison, Annika Strom, Alex Pearl, Ian Brown, Johanna Hallsten, Richard T Walker, 'Installation shot: Marcus Coates, Richard Hughes, Ryan Gander and Mariele are in another room'. Photo: David Cunningham or Ian Brown.
Mariele Neudecker, Ryan Gander, 'Heaven The Sky, Substance'. Photo: David Cunningham or Ian Brown. As far as I know they are still above ground
'PV'. Photo: Annika Strom. A rare shot of me enjoying a private view, with Johanna Hällsten and Mariele Neudecker. Having two drinks certainly helped.
'Automatic Film making'. Photo: Annika Strom (possibly). artist in residence
Photo: Ian Brown. Me and Mariele, its hard to see the inner terror I was feeling as I was trying to lift and simultaneously calculate insurance values
Anne Collier, 'Folded Madonna Poster (Steven Meisel)', 2007.
don braisby, 'Don Braisby', Sugar lift etching.
'Rachel Howfield (Massey)'.
Martin Evans, 'Ventnor Public Toilets Window', Recyled glass, Jan09. This is the world guarded by a large rwotwiler/alsation cross called Oscar.
'Rob Turner'. My walks in Jan09 with Cosmo.
Jane Chinea, 'Untitled', Jan 09.
elpihv, 'Elpida Hadzi Vasileva', photo, 05.02.09. Photo: elpihv. Courtesy: elpihv. work in progress
'untitled', watercolour.
'Aloneness 2', Watercolour, January 09.
'Aloness 1', mixed, January 09.
Alison Craig & Deirdre Shanley, 'Diaspora 1', mixed.
'Pulpit Projection ', digital projection on architectural environment, 2008. Courtesy: artist. A previous projection into space
'Untitled', digital photograph, 2008. Courtesy: artist. example of importance in electrical tape...
'From Installation [either side of passage-way]', digitally enhanced scanned image, 2009. Courtesy: artist. Here is introduced a previously realized work that includes the use of electrical tape.
'Exhibition Poster'.
'Susan Francis'. Another family member, Otis, gets his first taste of snow
'Getting a helping hand'.
'The Regional Print Centre at Yale Wrexham'.