Page 2182 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Straylight Cavern, installation shot including sculpture by Jonathan Baldock, Bells Palsy (Two Faces), salt dough, doll, 2008.
Sven Johne, Message in a bottle - Seven observations of Helplessness, #7, photography, silkscreen, silver gelatine print, each 55x26.5cm, 2008.
Felix Thorn, Felix's Machines, installation shot at Gasworks, London, 2008.
Photo: Matthew Booth.
Kunstwerk Bazaar, installation view, December 2008.
OUTPOST gallery
Gemma Nelson, Pornographic Imagination, Indian ink, acrylic and mixed media on canvas, 153x121cm, 2007.
'Helen Dearnley'.
by Anonymous
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Ben Shaffer, This is A Myth, drawings and sculpture, 2008.
Courtesy: Silverman Gallery.
Ben Shaffer, This is A Myth, drawings and sculpture, 2008.
Courtesy: Silverman Gallery.
, The Colony Room, performance, 2008.
Anne Colvin, Skank Bloc Bologna, Publication, 2008.
Michael Snow, 'Reverberlin'.
Graham Swain, '"God is in the garden" T S Eliot', oil on canvas.
andrew martyn sugars, 'cheers ob(s)ama', 20.01.09. today: elsewhere: is as much about who goes as who stays.
Alex Pearl, 'untitled', video, 2009. There's a disco in my wardrobe (so far unused footage)
'Holed Up', 2008. Courtesy: Grey Area. exhibition view
' Plateau State, Nigeria', 2008. Photo: Caitlin Heffernan.
'View of landscape, Nigeria', 2008. Photo: Caitlin Heffernan.
Jacqueline Owen, 'With Roses', Digital, 02/01/2009. Collaged images & Digital
Jacqueline Owen, 'My View', Mixed, 17/12/2008. sketch
Alex Pearl, 'Freeway', 2009. Automatic film 7 in progress and blocking the way into the rear of the gallery
Alex Pearl, 'Shimmying creatures', automata, 2009. Automatic film 7 in progress
Julija Greaves, 'The Broken Chord', Oil on canvas, July 2008. Photo: Julija Greaves. Courtesy: Commissioned by Mr James Barrows. 60"x36"
Destination: Music Scene, music studio Nottinghamshire
don braisby, 'secret place', digital photoshop.