Page 2187 – a-n The Artists Information Company


Photo: bean scanned by roz cran. Bean grown and harvested in Germany from magic bean in Breaking Ground Seed Packet
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Philippa Sibert

Philippa Sibert

'Philippa Sibert'. 4 birds
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private view

private view

me, 'private view', video projection, 2008. Photo: me. Courtesy: corsica studios. film of private view feet. exhibited at Off Modern - a monthly happening.
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Bicaralah Yang Jelas

Bicaralah Yang Jelas

Popok Tri Wahyudi, 'Bicaralah Yang Jelas', Resin, megaphone, acrylic, 2008. Courtesy: Cemeti Art House, Yogyakarta.
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Orasi Yang Tumbuh Dan Berkembang

Orasi Yang Tumbuh Dan Berkembang

Popok Tri Wahyudi, 'Orasi Yang Tumbuh Dan Berkembang', Acrylic on canvas, 2008. Courtesy: Cemeti Art House, Yogyakarta.
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Info Truder

Info Truder

Popok Tri Wahyudi, 'Info Truder', Acrylic on canvas, 2008. Courtesy: Cemeti Art House, Yogyakarta.
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Night oil

Night oil

Susan Francis, 'Night oil', Olive oil and paper. Experiments with the effects of oil on written text on paper
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Helen Dearnley

Helen Dearnley

'Helen Dearnley'. Courtesy: Ebay. a similar Sindy doll house as the one I made into a more useful bookcase in approximately 1989.
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