Page 2187 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Photo: bean scanned by roz cran. Bean grown and harvested in Germany from magic bean in Breaking Ground Seed Packet
Graham Swain, 'Incomplete. Work in progress. Landscape and Emily's breasts...', Watercolour, oil pastel.
Graham Swain, 'French studio and Smartie, our Sealyham terrier.'.
Graham Swain, 'View from French studio. Chateau of Henry II and Queen Eleanor of Acquitaine.'.
by Anonymous
Display Ad, 003_0901_DE_O_WEB.
'Philippa Sibert'. 4 birds
'Emma Brogan'. Children crossing the causeway onto the site.
me, 'private view', video projection, 2008. Photo: me. Courtesy: corsica studios. film of private view feet. exhibited at Off Modern - a monthly happening.
Popok Tri Wahyudi, 'Bicaralah Yang Jelas', Resin, megaphone, acrylic, 2008. Courtesy: Cemeti Art House, Yogyakarta.
Popok Tri Wahyudi, 'Orasi Yang Tumbuh Dan Berkembang', Acrylic on canvas, 2008. Courtesy: Cemeti Art House, Yogyakarta.
Popok Tri Wahyudi, 'Info Truder', Acrylic on canvas, 2008. Courtesy: Cemeti Art House, Yogyakarta.
by Anonymous
Display Ad, 001_0901_WB_AV_WEB.
Selwyn-Gray, 'The Crisis Meeting', HD Video, jan 2009. Photo: Selwyn-Gray. Courtesy: Selwyn-Gray. Short video picture
andrew martyn sugars, 'aesthethic of evolution(frame grab)'.
Selwyn-Gray , 'The Crisis Meeting ', HD video , Dec 2009. Photo: Selwyn-Gray . Courtesy: Selwyn-Gray . Moving video picture
Susan Francis, 'Night oil', Olive oil and paper. Experiments with the effects of oil on written text on paper
'Rob Turner'. Cosmo's last fve walks.
Lucinda Holmes, Part of installation 2.
Lucinda Holmes, Man writing Chinese.
Lucinda Holmes, Part of installation.
Lucinda Holmes, Recycling collector.
Lucinda Holmes, Christmas decoration.
Christina Bryant, ''Live Tracing' (detail)', Performance, Sept 08.
'Rob Turner'. Cosmo in the woods.
'Helen Dearnley'. Courtesy: Ebay. a similar Sindy doll house as the one I made into a more useful bookcase in approximately 1989.