'Rebecca McKnight'. Gross freeze dried scambled eggs,., looks like puke, tastes like....
'Rebecca McKnight'. The moon in the middle of the night
'Rebecca McKnight'. We pitched our tent next to a reservoir which was great until some people doing night navigation crashed into our tent in the middle of the night and scared me to death!
'Rebecca McKnight'. The moon and the trees
'Rebecca McKnight'. The sun setting
'Rebecca McKnight'. Walking into the sunset
'Rebecca McKnight'. Mark my team leader and Ian
'Rebecca McKnight'. Phil snacking,., we're thinking of getting him an extra 'side-car' pulk for his snacks.
'Rebecca McKnight'. Snow patterns
'Rebecca McKnight'. Phil and Ian
'Rebecca McKnight'. Ryan's fabulous pork pie!
'Rebecca McKnight'. me from Blackburn
'Rebecca McKnight'. Ryan from London
'Rebecca McKnight'. Phil from Bristol
'Rebecca McKnight'. Ian from Sheffield
'Rebecca McKnight'. Then the rain and wind came and didn't stop! We were soaked right the way through our waterproofs :(
'Rebecca McKnight'. When the sun came up we could see our camp spot and it was stunning to wake up to. Although it wasn't raining then, the clouds were brewing, ready to cause trouble for the rest of the day!
'Rebecca McKnight'. Sunrise
'Rebecca McKnight'. We met on the Fri night and then set off walking to find a good spot to camp. We found the least swampy and bumpy place available and pitched up. Then the wind started! I've never been led inside a tent whilst the roof is being blown onto my face! Lets just say we didn't get much sleep :+)
'Rebecca McKnight'. Falling down the endless scree!