Page 2201 – a-n The Artists Information Company
'Erin Rickard'. Back projection, i filmed from here as a back up incase i wasnt secure with my physical exposure in the other camera angle. However, i feel this projection has less value than the other.
'Erin Rickard'. Rebuilding myself through touch, exploring and expressing what im feeling rather than what im seeing.(i need to figure out a suitable title)
'Erin Rickard'. You can see me trying to move the projector to get the image size and placement correct, so that the sides of the bath line up.
Madeleine Pennock, 'hate male', mixed on canvas, 2008. Photo: Madeleine Pennock. One of my final pieces for last years end of year show for FDA Fine Art.
I was exploring human emotion and this was to do with aggression.
Paul Philipson, 'Buildings & Trees 2008', C type print, 2008.
Paul Knight, '11 months 17 Days', Lightjet print to diabond, 2008.
Darren Sylvester, 'Work Day', Lambda print ed. 6, 2003.
Jan Deckner, 'Singapore Flat Wall', Lambda print, 2008.
Lucille Nolan, 'Untitled 2', Espon print on hahnemahle paper, 2008.
?Michael Anthony 2008, 'Process I.', Mixed., Nov.08. Courtesy: Mbro88?. From the series: Process. Maximum Print size 5500X5967
'Pigeon Story', November 2008. Installation view
'Pigeon Story', November 2008. Installation view
by Anonymous
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andrew martyn sugars, 'playful endeavour with video', 17?11?08. Photo: andrew martyn sugars. i fancied a change of image on the blog.been playing over the weekend, needed something new up
The Den Project. Courtesy: Taken from Delegate den making at the Playing In Urban Places symposium
Sara Fernee, 'Press Print in progress', Noveber 2008.
Imogen Ashwin, 'Contain', Plaster, gauze, gold leaf, myrrh oil, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cloves..
Imogen Ashwin, 'The Mystery'. detail
Imogen Ashwin, 'Record'. detail
Imogen Ashwin, 'Record '. detail
Imogen Ashwin, 'Apparel'. detail
'three grey stones'. Photo: roz cran.
Susan Diab, October 2008.
Clare MacFarlane, 'Origami Pigeons', paper, 08/11/08. Photo: A.Falcini.
Judith Alder, 'Notebook', 15 November 2008.