Page 2223 – a-n The Artists Information Company
'Pine Gallery black board'. Photo: roz cran.
'pale Pine Gallery'. Photo: roz cran.
'Susan Diab'. Fabrica, 12 Oct
'Susan Diab'. Fabrica, 12 Oct
'Susan Diab'. Fabrica, 12 October
Paul Hirst, 'work in progress'. Work in progress
Natalie Dowse, 'Skimming the Surface'. Natalie Dowse's exhibition in the Dome, Buxton
'Susan Diab'. Detail of discussion table
'Warning: this exhibition is not suitable for children'.
'Suffer the little children'. font in Fabrica
'Ian Maslen', October 2008. Photo: Ian Maslen. After turning the painting around an adding another panel, this is beginning to come along.
'Ian Maslen', October 2008. Photo: Ian Maslen.
Ian Maslen, 'Ian Maslen', October 2008. Photo: Ian Maslen. The 'skeleton of the painting'
Ian Maslen, 'Work in progress/Untitled', oil and charcoal on canvas, October 2008. Photo: Ian Maslen.
Artists Anonymous, 'Communication and Association', Installation, 19/09/08. Photo: Graeme Mitchell.
Artists Anonymous, 'Communication and Association', Installation, 19/09/08. Photo: Graeme Mitchell.
Artists Anonymous, 'Communication and Association', Installation, 19/09/08. Photo: Graeme Mitchell.
Artists Anonymous, 'Communication and Association', Installation, 19/09/08. Photo: Graeme Mitchell.
Artists Anonymous, 'Communication and Association', Installation, 19/09/08. Photo: Graeme Mitchell.
'Sorrel Muggridge'. Sorrel and Laura in Banff 2007
'Ian Maslen', October 2008. Photo: Ian Maslen. a product of my 'controlling art game' idea used during an after school club
'Ian Maslen', September 2008. Photo: Ian Maslen. a 20 minute sketch by a pupil during a one day project
'Ian Maslen', September 2008. Photo: Ian Maslen. an example of work by a pupil during a one day project
'Ian Maslen', September 2008. Photo: Ian Maslen. the studio during a one day project on the 29th September
aliceson carter