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Brief Encounter

Brief Encounter

'Brief Encounter', installation, 2008.
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Installation view at Guildford House Gallery

Installation view at Guildford House Gallery

Jane Ponsford, 'Installation view at Guildford House Gallery', 2008. Showing related work from the same project simultaneously at two so very different venues is fascinating. The work almost disappears at the Lightbox but works really well in the old timber paneled room at the Guildford House Gallery; which is the opposite of what I would have predicted.
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Ian Maslen

Ian Maslen

'Ian Maslen'. Photo: Ian Maslen. work by pupils and staff at the school
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Ian Maslen

Ian Maslen

'Ian Maslen', September 2008. Photo: Ian Maslen. one of 3 collaborative canvases
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Paolozzi, '"Waiting"', digital print, July 1996. Photo: Ann Shaw. I took this photo of Paolozzi in the sculpture studio of Edinburgh College of Art while he was waiting to have his hand cast in plaster.
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Angel Cottage Protest

Angel Cottage Protest

Alex Pearl, 'Angel Cottage Protest', video, 2008. My contribution to the event. The film can now be viewed at:
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Rob Turner

Rob Turner

'Rob Turner'. most fish swim from left to right, do you get any fish going the other way? Perhaps they would be left handed fish!
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Rob Turner

Rob Turner

'Rob Turner'. fish.
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