'Breaking Ground goes to Margate'. Courtesy: http://cratespace.co.uk. The Crate building in Margate
by Anonymous
Display Ad, 068_0810_BR_O.
'Anna Falcini', September 2008. Photo: A.Falcini. Display cabinet at the Natural History Museum, Oxford.
Dot Howard and Holly Rumble, 'Video still from performance test'.
other/other/other, 'Girl jumping on bubblewrap'. Interactive sound installation at its most basic!
other/other/other, 'Impromptu workshop'.
other/other/other, 'Unit 5 Documentation Wall'.
other/other/other, 'Group at Unit 5'.
other/other/other, 'Group at Unit 5'.
Alex B, 'Poppyhead', ink and acrylic, drawn on brown paper bag with a twig.. I wanted to include one of the Fourth Form's poppyhead pictures in the Ex Voto edition of Kalender
Richard Layzell, Cream Pages, in Victor Hugo's House, 2008.
Photo: Christian Morrison.
the dialogues of Tania Koswycz and Richard Layzell was developed by Richard Layzell as part of his practice and research as Research Associate Artist at Centre for Research into Creation in the Perfroming Arts (ResCen) at Middlesex University.
Marie Jeanne Hoffner, Hidden Images.
Commissioner: Bristol Alliance as part of the BS1 Programme part funded by Arts Council England South West.
Geraint Evans, 'An Ornamental Hermit '.