Ruth Ewan, Did you kiss the foot that kicked you?, 2007.
Photo: Thierry Bal.
Commissioned and produced by Artangel Interaction
Janet Hodgson, The Pit, 2005.
Photo: Paul Grundy.
Commissioned by Land Securities Plc and managed by InSite Arts for Whitefriars, Canterbury
The People Speak, Talkaoke, Basildon, 2008.
Photo: Hektor Kowalski / The People Speak.
Commissioned as part of 'Genius Loci'
Roadsworth, Universal Synchronocity, stenciled road graphics, 2007.
Photo: PhotoGenic.
Commissioned as part of 'Lost O'
Cathy Hart and Esther Jervis, 'Beggars Banquet'. Courtesy: The Artists.
Cathy Hart and Esther Jervis, 'Beggars Banquet'. Courtesy: The Artists.
Cathy Hart and Esther Jervis, 'Beggars Banquet '. Courtesy: The artists.
Paul Hirst, 'Cold and warm at the same time', Acrylic and Oil on Canvas, August 2008.
Imogen Ashwin. Cast relics - work in progress.
Alex Pearl, 'Blue Stargazer II', digital c-type print, 2008.
Simon Kennedy, 'Amy Winehouse'.
Ian Maslen, 'Studio shot'. Photo: Ian Maslen. Day 4, it's starting to look a bit more like a studio now, several pieces of work on the go.
Ian Maslen, 'Studio shot', September 2008. Photo: Ian Maslen. Day 2 of the residency, just getting settled and getting ready to start work
'Paul Hirst'. Courtesy: Harrington Mill Studios. Harrington Mill Studios, Long Eaton
Imogen Ashwin. Mould making.
Danny Hill and Darren Washington, 'Katie May Shipley'. Photo: Andy Branscombe.