Page 2239 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Imogen Ashwin, 'Residue II'. Scan.
Alex Pearl, 'Stargazer', postcard, 2008. A limited edition DIY Stargazer postcard with instructions on the reverse.
by Anonymous
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'Susan Francis'. Baby quilt used by Helen for her children and her mother for her.
'Soon to be studio', 8/09/08.
Imogen Ashwin, 'Residue'. Scan.
'Mine Howe'. Courtesy:
'Maes Howe'. Courtesy:
Graham Swain, '5', 05.09.08.
Graham Swain, '4', 05.09.08.
Graham Swain, '3', 05.09.08.
Graham Swain, '2', 05.09.08.
Graham Swain, '1', 05.09.08.
Nazir Tanbouli, 'Jackass', acrylic on wood, 2008. Photo: Gillian McIver.
'Rob Turner'. As it turns out I made a paddling pool today. The wooden bench by the way is made by fellow collegue from Nam .... Martin
Imogen Ashwin, 'Sinister'. Collage on monoprint.
Anna Townley, Lawrence Bradby, Dust, 2006.
A performance walk on the winter solstice, sweeping a line from Norwich hospital mortuary to Norwich crematorium, a distance of about 8 miles. Developed during a period of research at Norwich School of Art as part of an AA2A award.
Ruth Maclennan, The Gatekeepers, single channel video, 20 minutes, 2001.
Christian Mieves, Shipwreck 3, oil on canvas, 30x45 cm, 2008.
Steve Manthorpe, Cornuscope Animation, wooden carving with embedded video, 2007.
Developed during a period of research at Leeds College of Art and Design as part of an AA2A award.
Charlie Fox, Bear Sanctuary - Urban Bear Research Centre, 2008.
Photo: counterproductions.
Part of Carny Town, Portland Gallery.
Mark Dion, 'Mobile Gull Appreciation Unit', Mobile installation, 04-08-2008. Photo: Author. Courtesy: Author. A giant replica seagull on wheels that moves around the town dispensing information about this often unloved bird family.
Mark Wallinger, 'Folk Stones', 3-D installation, 04-08-2008. Photo: Author. Courtesy: Author. A monument to the war dead of the Battle of the Somme in 1916 . 19,240 numbered pebbles for each of the soldiers who died on the first day of the battle.