Page 2242 – a-n The Artists Information Company
'Richard swimming in Sprinkling Tarn'.
Elizabeth Humphries, 'Markings', mixed media constructed paper. Photo: Eric Smee . twin panels 125x125 cm each
Elizabeth Humphries, ' Garment and Cross', mixed media constructed paper. Photo: Eric Smee. 122 X 183cm
Elizabeth Humphries, ' Carapace and Cross', mixed media constructed paper. Photo: Eric Smee. 122 x122 cm
Elizabeth Humpries, 'Carapace', mixed media constructed paper with copper inserts. Photo: Eric Smee. 122 x 143cm
Hanadi Traifeh, 'East / West', Photography.
by Anonymous
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Flore Gardner, 'Red Thread'.
Flore Gardner, 'Red Thread', 2007. One-day performance when Gardner unravels a ball of red wool as she moves around during one whole day and leaves a trace of her passage through the every day labyrinth of the town ( and a drawing or "back-to-front map" of this displacement)
'Rob Turner'.
'Rob Turner'. 'Rob can you help me'
sjh, 'My Guardian Guides', 2008.
sjh, 'My Guardian Guide', 2008.
sjh, 'My Guardian Guides', 2008.
sjh, 'My Guardian Guides', 2008.
sjh, 'My Guardian Guides'. Jonathon gets started putting up the Guardian Guides.
'Record'. Work in progress ...
'Record'. Work in progress ...
'Record'. Work in progress ...
'Record'. Work in progress ...
'Record'. Work in progress ....
Tom Friedman, 'Monster Fly (detail)', Mixed media, 2008.
Tom Friedman, 'Monster Fly (detail)', Mixed media, 2008.
Tom Friedman, 'Light', Styrofoam and paint, 2008.
Tom Friedman, 'Monsters and Stuff', Collaged magazine images, 2008.