Page 2242 – a-n The Artists Information Company
'Sneak Preview of the "commissioned artwork"'. Photo: Arlene Wandera.
'Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope', 20 aug 08. ESEM being topped up with liquid nitrogen for the cooling mechanism.
'Sample Stub 6H + 9B', 20 aug 08.
'Sample Set G', 20 aug 08. 20 pencil marks on crepe paper
'Sample Set C', 20 aug 08. 20 pencil marks on watercolour paper
'ESEM samples', 20 aug 08.
by Anonymous
Display Ad, 014_0808_MA_WEB.
End of the Night, digital ad/work, 2008.
You've Been Coolhunted, 2008.
view of contents page. Published by [deletia]
You've Been Coolhunted, 2008.
view of front and back cover. Published by [deletia]
[Deletia], Brief Encounter (Buren and Chaimowicz), digital ad/work, 2008.
Imagery borrowed from Daniel Buren and Marc Camille Chaimowicz's The World of Interiors
Lucy Harrison, Launch of Canvey Guides.
Photo: Anne Katherine Greiner. Courtesy: Commissions East.
part of 'Art U Need', a project managed by Commission East. Art U Need was an innovative programme of commissions involving five artists working with local communities in the Thames Gateway. Lucy Harrison, one of the five artists, worked with residents on Canvey Island to record their stories and anecdotes about the place where they lived and document them in a guidebook and audio guide available to borrow by visitors and residents from the Canvey Island.
Warwick Bar, Digbeth, Birmingham.
The Liminal partnership of architect Frances Crow and sound artist David Prior was appointed as lead artists for a development in Eastside, Birmingham, working with Kinetic AIU architects, MADE Midlands Architecture Centre and developer ISIS, funded by PROJECT distributed by PASW and supported by CABE. "When sound is considered in a cityscape it is usually considered as a nuisance that should be abated. We see sounds as the materials with which we can work to design new city soundscapes that support the experience of living in a city. Like distinctive landmarks the Warwick Bar site also has signficant Soundmarks, as part of our process we are revealing these and will be quesitoning the role they should play in the new development." A liminal specialises in integration of sound and architecture to create 'sonic spaces'.
Neville Gabie, A weight of stone carried from China for you.
Commissioned by: Bristol Alliance.
Jo Lathwood, Third progression (detail), paper, wood, leaves and glass, 2008.
Hannah Campion, Blo, mixed on canvas, 2008.
Helen Carnac, Bowlscape (detail), vitreous enamel on steel, from 120mm diameter each, 2008.
Felicity Shillingford, From A Boy and A Woman - The Woman.
work in progress.
Felicity Shillingford, From A Boy and A Woman - The Boy.
work in progress.
David Curtis Ring, I thought you were first, video still, 2008.
Linder, Enterprise, 2008.
Emily Kydd, You missed everything, still from tape-slide photographic projection, 2007.
Graduate from The Nottingham Trent University 2004, one of the participating institutions.
'Surfing in the Arctic'. Maybe I should take my surfboard as well as my pulk! However - the whole, Killer Whale, Great White Shark and Polar Bear thing would worry me a bit... but I would definately do it given the opportunity!
Natalie Dowse, Constellation (detail), oil on canvas, 54 parts, each 12.5x12.5cm, 2007.
Alinah Azadeh , 'Crafting Space (development)'. Raphaella trial weaving a section of the wall in the studio yard.