Page 2252 – a-n The Artists Information Company
'Rob Turner'. A horse and rider provide a welcome distraction from the intensity of the constant needs of the participents.
Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller, 'Killing Machine', multi-media installation, 2007. Courtesy: Fruitmarket Gallery.
Anna Falcini, 'Commando', Drawing & installation, 12/08/08. Photo: A.Falcini. Drawing and installation of Commando, pigeon recognised for invaluable work during WW2.
Anna Falcini, 'Anna Falcini', 12/08/08. Photo: A.Falcini. Pigeon - Naughty window
Jane Ponsford, 'Untitled', Handmade paper, 2008. Made together with children from 'Junior Art School' at the Lightbox Gallery.
Jane Ponsford, 'Untitled (one element from a larger piece of work)', Handmade paper, 2008.
Jane Ponsford, 'Translation (detail)', Handmade paper and pins with sampled pigments, 2008.
by Anonymous
Display Ad, 105_0809_AC_O.
'Ground Zero?', 05-07-2008. Photo: Micheal O'Connell (aka MockSim). Tourists at World Trade Centre site taking pictures of nothing
'Micheal O'Connell'.
'Micheal O'Connell'.
'Micheal O'Connell'.
Alex Pearl, 'Angel Cottage Protest', video, 2008.
Joe Tymkow, 'Honey - detail', Mixed media, 2008. Photo: Joe Tymkow. Ink, shellac, turps, acrylic - 150cm x 120cm
Mark Dion, 'Gull Appreciation Unit'.
Deborah Ann Graham, 'snail dream1', Digital Concept , 2008.
Deborah Ann Graham, 'snail dream_blue and gold', Digital Concept , 2008.
Open City.
Neil Galligan, 'Castlebay, Barra', Black and White Photographic Print, August 2007. Photo: Neil Galligan. Courtesy: Neil Galligan.
Kim Walker, 'Exhibition Documentation', Digital Photograph, 01/08/08. Photo: Kim Walker. Courtesy: Kim Walker.
'Cafe from above', Digital photograph, 9 August 08.
'Cafe from above', Digital photograph, 9 August 08.
'Cafe from above', Digital photograph, 9 August 08.