Page 2259 – a-n The Artists Information Company
sjh, 'guardian guide', 2008.
sjh, 'guardian guide', 2008.
sjh, 'guardian guide', 2008.
sjh, 'guardian guide', 2008. Photo: sjh. Courtesy: photobooth.
Alex Pearl, 'Picture of the Day', tracing, 2008.
Alison Ballance, 'Plans for the Royal Albert Hall Project'.
Alison Ballance, 'Plans for the Royal Albert Hall Project', installation.
Higher Academy of Happiness, 'Maslow's Architecture', Mixed media, July 2008. Photo: Rae Chapman. An environmental audit of Utopia with special design award.
'Holly Rumble'.
'Holly Rumble'.
Jeffery Baker, 'Spoken with a Voice of Authority Catalogue', Printed Media.
Daksha Patel, 'Untitled ', coloured pencil, 2008. Photo: Alan Sams. Courtesy: the artist.
Daksha Patel, 'Untitled', coloured pencil, 2008. Photo: Alan Sams. Courtesy: the artist.
Nicky Coutts, 'A Tower in the Minds of Others', Garden Sheds, 2008. Courtesy: of the artist and Tatton Park Biennial.
Katie Shipley, 'A Fala do Sol'.
David Bethell, 'Balloon tries to lift stone', animation.
by Anonymous
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by Anonymous
Display Ad, 011v2_0807_SC_WEB.
Higher Academy of Happiness, 'Communications Management', balloon, paper, pen, tree, July 2008. Photo: Rae Chapman. Communication for the exhibition includes extracts from a Danish phrasebook, "Hello. I'm sorry, I don't speak Danish" to give the right message.
Alex Pearl, 'Stargazer', dvd, 2008.
'nanoparticle sketch', pencil drawing, july 08.
'nanoparticle sketch', pencil drawing, july 08.
'nanoparticle sketch', pencil drawing, july 08.
Tessa Farmer and Sean Daniels, 'Nest of the Skeletons', Stop-motion animation, 2008. Courtesy: of the artist and Tatton Park Biennial.
David Cotterrell, 'Little Sheep', 5 colour digital print process on acrylic, 2008. Courtesy: of the artist and Tatton Park Biennial.