Page 2261 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Alex Pearl, 'Asylum Studio Show', 2008.
Nicolas Galeazzi, 'Collateral Claptrap', performance, 06-08/06/08. Photo: Georg Dietzler.
by Anonymous
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Jeffery Baker, 'Spoken with a Voice of Authority', (Still From Video), 2008. Still from the footage I shot with Matt Cooper, Young Ju Ahnn, Kiki Hitomi and Alex Seo. The image features Matt on guitar and Kiki's shoulder.
Jeffery Baker, 'Spoken with a Voice of Authority', (Still from Video), 2008. Still from the footage I shot with Sam Mercer.
Oreet Ashery, 'The Saint/s of Whitstable '. Photo: Stephen Wilson.
Robin Deacon, 'Approximating the Art of Stuart Sherman (Without the Spectacle) '. Photo: Simon Steven.
CAOS artist map with locations
'Neal Vaughan'.
Gavin McClafferty, The last gallery.
Stroud Valley Arts John Street Studios artist.
Alex Gough, Sinen Syvyys, oil, acrylic and ink on canvas, 2006.
FusionARTS artist.
Angela Vincent, Defenceless.
Participant in Dorset Arts Week 2008.
Alex Pearl, 'Stargazer 4', dvd, 2008.
by Anonymous
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John Beard, 'HEAD-SP4', oil on linen, 1800 x 1800 mm. Courtesy: National Portrait Gallery.
Emmanouil Bitsakis, 'Portrait of a Serbian student of theology with Serbian Patriarch in background', oil on canvas, 330 x 210 mm. Courtesy: National Portrait Gallery.
'Sara Fernee', May 2008.
'Chinese ballerina', Screen print, May 2008.
'Tiger series', Screen print, June 2008.
'Jumping with Wheels', Screenprint, June 2008.
Higher Academy of Happiness, 'Stand In My Shoes Series(1)', July 2008. Photo: Rae Chapman. I am imagining what it is like to stand in the shoes of someone working in the Utopian community of Christiania.
Lynette Wallworth, 'Invisible by Night', Video Installation, 2004. Photo: Colin Davison. Courtesy: Image courtesy of National Glass Centre and the artist.
Lynette Wallworth, 'Evolution of Fearlessness', Video Installation, 2006. Photo: Rocco Fasano. Courtesy: Image courtesy of Forma and the artist.
''Picture This...' Series', Screenprint, June 2008.
Yoke & Zoom, 'Winged Mobile Cottage', Drawing, 2008. Courtesy: Courtesy of artist.