Page 2277 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Judith Alder, 'Life and death drama', 9 June 2008.
Judith Alder, 'Judith Alder & Roz Cran: Breaking Ground'. Leggy beans
Judith Alder, 'Potting-on', 9 June 2008. Potting on in the studio
John Frankland, Untitled Boulder, 2001.
Winner of an Arts Foundation Fellowship for Sculpture in 2002.
Eleanor Long, Action Calm, 2007.
Winner of an Arts Foundation Fellowship for Glass in 2007.
Simon Carroll, Thrown basket, Slip, lead tin glaze, 9 inch, diameter.
Winner of an Arts Foundation Fellowship for Ceramics in 2004.
Birgit R. Deubner, 'Birgit Deubner'. just my information stand of which I am irrationally proud...
sjh, 'guardian guide series', 2008.
sjh, 'guardian guide series', 2008.
sjh, 'guardian guide series', 2008.
sjh, 'guardian guide series', 2008.
sjh, 'found', photo, 2008.
sjh, 'found', photo, 2008. I was digging in the garden today and found what is perhaps the most amazing treasure. A line of type once owned by the man who lived in our house. it is indeed a lucky find and a thing of beauty.
Jo Lathwood, 'Work in progress with emerald city'.
Christoph Buchel, 'Dump'.
Jo Lathwood, 'Center space with arcs'.
Jo Lathwood, '23 arcs and 3 bases flat pack.'.
Alex Pearl, 'Proposal for a billboard', digital photo, 2008.
'Untitled', Wood, rubber, metal, baize, May 2008.
Birgit R. Deubner, '"Devotional Choreography / Khoreia"'. in "Big Hope", invited by Hope University and Matt Baynham.Until June 14th. Daily monday to saturday 9am-7pm
Birgit Deubner, "Devotional Choreography", cine film.
in "The Liar, the Witch and the Wardrobe", curated by Vanessa Bartlett, at Bridewell Gallery Liverpool until 27 June. Open Thur, Friday and Sat.
'What becomes what remains?', 2008. Installation detail dimensions variable
'What becomes what remains?', 2008. Installation detail dimensions variable
'What becomes what remains?', 2008. Installation detail dimensions variable
Photo: Wendy Ward.