Page 2278 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Photo: Wendy Ward.
BaseNorth, 'Sandwich Box'.
BaseNorth, ' poster'.
Caroline Twidle, 'Caroline Twidle', June 2008. Photo: Sheila Pearce.
Caroline Twidle, 'Caroline Twidle', June 2008. Photo: Sheila Pearce.
Caroline Twidle, 'Caroline Twidle', June 2008. Photo: Sheila Pearce.
Caroline Twidle, 'Untitled', June 2008. Photo: Sheila Pearce.
Caroline Twidle, 'Untitled Installation', June 2008. Photo: Sheila Pearce.
Deborah Ann Graham, 'indigo snail', oil on canvas, 2008.
Deborah Ann Graham, 'mmm plants/which way snail', bit of sketch book page, 2008.
Nathan Peter, 'Eminent Domain', Mixed media installation, 31/05/08. Photo: Andreas Bastiansen. Courtesy: Courtesy Wooloo Productions .
'untitled, work in progress', May 2008.
'untitled, work in progress', May 2008.
'untitled, work in progress', May 2008.
'untitled, work in progress', May 2008.
Aleksandra Mir, 'First Woman on the Moon', Video, 1999. Courtesy: Yerba Buena Center for the Arts.
Barbara Rosenthal. Courtesy: Clare Carswell.
'Penlee House', Photograph. Courtesy:
Helene Schjerfbeck , ' Self Portrait'. Not in Exhibition
Sydney Mortimer Laurence, 'Setting Sun off the Cornish Coast', Oil on canvas, Circa 1895. Courtesy: Southampton City Art Gallery .
Alex Pearl, 'Happy Photo', digital photograph, 2008.
sjh, 'bird', photo, 2008.
sjh, 'feather', photo, 2008.
sjh, 'violet', photo, 2008. i found so many violets growing recently. they are so vibrant and yet fragile and delicate, even more so when they are pressed.