Page 2279 – a-n The Artists Information Company
sjh, 'through the woods', vegetable pigment on birch, 2008.
sjh, 'i love you', vegetable pigment on stone in stream, 2008.
sjh, 'eggs', photos on eggs in box, 2008.
sjh, 'robin', photo, 2008. jeanette spotted this poor robin at the side of the road up the hill. still limp...w've had three this week, a baby house sparrow and a hedge sparrow that got trapped in the porch and threw himself at the window.
sjh, 'clock', photo, 2008.
'Judith Alder & Roz Cran: Breaking Ground'. Photo: roz cran. Ken's shed
Joseph Watts , 'Scaffold'.
Wuon-Gean Ho, 'Mask Crane', Silkscreen on Somerset Paper, 2008.
Wuon-Gean Ho, 'Mask Fire', Silkscreen on Somerset Paper, 2008.
Wuon-Gean Ho, 'Mask Bite', Silkscreen on Somerset Paper, 2008.
'Clare McFarlane'. My exhibition space and the floor buffer...
Alex Pearl, 'Stargazer', video, 2008. work in progress
'Open Dialogues'. Courtesy: Open Dialogues.
'Work in progress (detail)', Handmade paper. This is made up of many formed sheets of paper and is designed to hang and catch the light and cast shadows.
'New Life Berlin'.
Paul Hirst, 'Final Show pics', Acrylic and Oil on canvas and paper, May 2008.
Paul Hirst, 'Final Show pics', Acrylic and Oil on canvas and paper, May 2008.
Paul Hirst, 'Final Show Pics', Acrylic and Oil on canvas and paper, May 2008.
Paul Hirst, 'final show pics', Acrylic and Oil on canvas and paper, May 2008.
Paul Hirst, 'Final Show pics', Acrylic and Oil on Canvas and Paper, May 2008.
Alex Pearl, 'Head', digital photograph.
Yoke & Zoom, 'Mobile Cottage Industries', Construction / installation, Throughout July 2008. Photo: artist. Courtesy: artist.
Abigail Hunt & Kieren Reed, 'KADN Kiosk', Intervention / performance, throughout June. Photo: N.Pitt. Courtesy: N.Pitt.
'Sarah Morpeth'. Photo: Sarah Morpeth.
'Poster for the 'Street Gallery''.