Page 2280 – a-n The Artists Information Company
'Claudia Pilsl'. Salvia pratensis, Dover
'Claudia Pilsl'. Garden conversations, Pines Garden
'Claudia Pilsl'. the chocolate factory at Carmel Cottage
'Waterstones display for SAOS'.
Sonya Chenery, 'Installation view - 'Known To Be Extreme' (video) and 'Objects'', Video, sculpture, installation., May 2008. Installation set up for degree show, featuring video work 'Known To Be Extreme', with series of small sculptures ('Objects') hidden around the space.
Sonya Chenery, 'This Is What Happens (performance/installation view)', Installation/Performance , May 2008. Time-based installation with performance, involving cacti, balloons and an electric fan.
Gore Hore Fazan, 'Blowing in the Wind', 24 May 2008. Courtesy: The author.
Alex Pearl, 'Alex Pearl'. not in the antarctic
'Talk by Louise Garland'.
'Constructing the Constellations'. Private View of 'Constructing the Constellations' by Louise Garland 1st - 30th June
Judith Alder, 'From the Outside In', 1 June 2008. Gilded stone, "Impossible Changeling" by Caroline Wright. Felted stones, "Stones in Sheep's Clothing" by Solveigh Goett. "From The Outside In", photograph Judith Alder.
Judith Alder, 'Outside In', 1st June 2008. Collected, found and made objects from the outside in.
'PL16 cont'.
Hayley Parfitt, 'PL16'. Installation inside coming from the window,
Hayley Parfitt, 'Pl16-05/08'.
Mary Conway.
Mary Conway.
Mary Conway.
Designed by Helen Grundy.
Sabine Rethore. Lovely Romania, 2008, color print, 135x135 cm. Courtesy the artist. ? A map of Romania turned on an East - West axis.
Lukas Einsele. One Step Beyond, texts images and multimedia formats 2005. Courtesy of the artist.
Gary Bolam, 'Yellow Makes Me Smile (Poke) Smile', Metal wire, tinfoil, wasp, 'I Cant Believe Its Not Butter' spread , 2008. Sculptural DrawingDETAIL
Gary Bolam, 'Yellow Makes Me Smile (Poke) Smile', Metal wire, tinfoil, wasp, 'I Cant Believe Its Not Butter' spread , 2008. Sculptural Drawing
'Jo Lathwood'. Everything fits.
'Jo Lathwood'. The smaller project.