Page 2282 – a-n The Artists Information Company

Tetrahedron + Torroid Table

Tetrahedron + Torroid Table

Fred Baier, ‘Tetrahedron + Torroid Table’, M.D.F. and English Oak with complex polyester lacquer effects, 1995.
Photo: Lucy Strachan.
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Pink Piano

Pink Piano

Fred Baier, ‘Pink Piano’, Welmare overstrung upright mechanism, Far Eastern ply, Sycamore, stains, lacquers, IVECO wing mirror, 1420x1200x600mm, 1992.
Photo: Christies Auction House.
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Love Seat

Love Seat

Fred Baier, ‘Love Seat’, 12mm birchply, high tech. adhesive, A.C. lacquer, 1988.
Photo: Fred Baier.
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Grand piano

Grand piano

Fred Baier, ‘Grand piano’, Kapps 1892 6ft grand, wood, steel, mica pigments in black polyester lacquer, gold leaf, stain, 2240x1400x1000mm, 1988.
Photo: Ettien Boll.
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Prism Chair

Prism Chair

Fred Baier, ‘Prism Chair’, complex polyester lacquer effects and gold leaf over M.D.F, 1992.
Photo: David Cripps.
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(half) Cube + Cone - Cylinder = Table

(half) Cube + Cone – Cylinder = Table

Fred Baier, ‘(half) Cube + Cone - Cylinder = Table’, burr murtle on birch ply, English oak, solid nickel silver, stains and A.C.Lacquer, 500 x 500 x 500mm, 1995.
Photo: David Cripps.
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Fred Baier, ‘Bookcase’, stained maple, 4x3m, 2007.
Photo: Phil Grey.
Lincoln's Inn, London
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Evelina Time Capsule

Evelina Time Capsule

Fred Baier, ‘Evelina Time Capsule’, sycamore, 1.8 x 2m, 2007.
Photo: Richard Bailet.
Evelina Children's Hospital, Guys and St Thomas' London.
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This Is What Happens

This Is What Happens

Sonya Chenery, 'This Is What Happens', Installation/Performance , May 2008. Ongoing live installation, with latex balloons, cactus plants, an electric fan, and intermittent performance.
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