Page 2285 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Sergio Zevallos, Fictive Days.
Laura Mccafferty, Strolling on a Saturday afternoon.
Photo: Matthew Graham.
AIR member Laura received a Grants for the arts award in August 2005.
Helena Goldwater, Hairy and much more, 41x31cm, 2006.
Chloe Steele, Dreamt Explosion, 2007.
Photo: Chloe Steele.
Shaina Anand, CCTV Social, 2008.
Tejal Shah, What are you, 2006.
Anthony Shapland, still from False Dawn, video, 2007.
Pete Smith, Lot, 2008.
Edith Gubbay, Whirling.
See Westland Place Studios
Jayson Lilley, The Gurley.
See Wimbledon Art Studios
Anthony Luvera, Assisted Self-Portrait Chris McCabe.
from residency 2007-2008. See Kingsgate Workshops Trust
Mike Chavez-Dawson, The mind projected cinema.
Whitstable Biennale 2008
Nick Crowe, The drowning of Tuvalu.
Whitstable Biennale 2008
Florence Trust Open Studios 2008.
Sarah Craske, Stacy Keeler, The Women's Land Army, found materials, plant and performance,, 2008.
Commissioned by Margate Rocks 08
Mandy Williams, 'Slice', Digital Photography, 2008. Photo: Mandy Williams.
Anne Colvin, 'Man, Godard and Nature (and Bardot, Too)', Photocopy on red paper, 2008. Photo: Anne Colvin. Courtesy: Tart, San Francisco.
'Skank Bloc Bologna cover and reverse'. Photo: Anne Colvin. Courtesy: Tart, San Francisco.
Starship, 'Written on spiders'. Courtesy: Silverman Gallery.
'Hayley Parfitt'.
josie faure walker, 'untitled', may 08.
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