roz cran, ''don't just sit there...''.
Jo Lathwood, 'Work in progress with penguins'.
Jo Lathwood, 'Portable art, work in progress.'.
Jo Lathwood, 'Work in progress with feathers'.
Jo Lathwood, 'Work in progress with emerald pigment'.
'Hazel Money'. Suddenly we all realised it was time to go, and there followed a moment of intense activity as a mix of assorted punters scurried for the exit...
'The Regional Print Centre at Yale Wrexham'.
'Stourport (detail)'. Maps are uniquely human and reveal the collective values of a community. They are representations of knowledge and endeavor thus bonding many peoples on the earth together...So I've heard.
'Rob Turner'. I am in that little cage working; and someone calls out 'say a prayer for me while youre kneeling down there'
'Rob Turner'. Peeling the paper off.
'working on the street'. Photo: Ken . me with steel toes and high viz.
'Preserve Contemplation'.
'How do I get this open?'.
'A brush of Andrew's improvization'.
Anna Francis, 'what we really need is...'.
Anna Francis, 'we don't need...'.