Page 2290 – a-n The Artists Information Company
David, 'the unequivocal chances of nature'.
'William the Conqueror'. statue in Falaise
'How many beers'. Swiss Normandy, for a short break cycling
'Cosmo says'. 'He's just rubbish, he just thinks it's OK to swan off to france, I have to correct all these mistakes, cos it is really is sub-standard what he tries to do'
Hayley Parfitt, '1000metres or thereabouts', Mixed Media, 09/05/08. Photo: Hayley Parfitt.
josie faure walker, 'small show', may 2008.
Helen Thompstone, 'Leafy Stump', Marquetry, 2008.
Dot Howard and Holly Rumble, 'Mall Survey', Sound and video performance, 10th May 2008. Photo: John Boursnell.
David, 'Rest and Be Thankful (an elephants journeys)'.
David, 'i wish i lived in a shop window'.
'Final Building Box '. Photo: Dominic Bubb.
David, 'Monad Tile'.
Elmyr, 'as above'.
Elmyr, 'RED MOTIF [wahattsmymindmadeof]'.
Toni Rutherford, Photography/Photoshop, 2008. Catalogue Cover Image, lower resolution for web
'Ice Walker', 2007. Photo: Rebecca McKnight.
2007. Me and Mike (my pulk partner on my Finnmark training), we worked well as a team even though we wound each other up loads! :) Mike was always very generous with his sweets, especially the coveted jelly men!
BaseNorth. Sandwich box poster
Angela Howard, 'Mrs', Emulsion on Canvas, May 2008. Photo: Mrs Angela Howard. Extracted Forms V
Trois Elementos, 'Couln't Think of Anything', clay, 2008. Photo: Trois Elementos.
Jane Ponsford, 'Blue', Handmade paper, wire, nylon thread.
'The calm after the storm'. Most of the rest of the day at any one time, there were at least fifteen people clustered around the table busily manufacturing paper.
Paul Hirst, 'Remembered Landscape 19', Acrylic and Oil on paper, May 2008.
roz cran, 'Winter?'.
Joseph Watts , 'The Rise and Fall of Empties'.