Katri Walker, 'Aguamiel [honeywater]', video installation, 2008. Photo: Katri Walker. Courtesy: Katri Walker.
sundae sundae here again a walk in the park...
'Filmgoers Doors composite 1'.
'Joanna Long'. Waste Paper photographs in window of Borders, Norwich
'Joanna Long'. The Waste Paper Book and Bin in Borders, Norwich
'Communicates Deception'. Oil, graphite, marker on board 4' by 4'
'The Distressed Poet'. Oil paint on board
'Can't escape the Judgement'. Oil, material, coloured pencils, permanent marker
Deborah Ann Graham, 'spiralshell', photograph, 2008. Photo: Deborah Ann Graham. working photo
Helen Dearnley, digitally manipulated photograph. Photo: the artist. image taken from The Unreal God And Aspects of His Nonexistent Universe