Alex Pearl, 'untitled', collage, 2008.
'Farnham Maltings'. Some of the smaller pieces from my recent project are being shown here during March and I am making a collaborative one day installation at the Maltings later in the year.
Alinah Azadeh , 'The loom:from text to textile ', 2005.
neil armstrong, 'something of Sisyphus'.
Sophie Newell, Club, 2008.
Ruth , 'In Memory', Found objects, 2002. Photo: Ruth Hartley. Courtesy: N/a. Work made aboutFriday Tembo an artist who died from HIV/AIDS
Rachel Howfield, 'the desire to be accepted is in equal proportion to the desire to rebel', 11.3.08.
logo 1976 'Protect and Survive'
Sumer Erek, 'Newspaper House', newspaper and mixed media, 2008. Photo: Nazir Tanbouli. Courtesy: Nazir Tanbouli, all rights reserved. A contemplation
Sumer Erek, 'Newspaper House', newspaper and mixed media, 2008. Photo: Gillian McIver. Courtesy: Gillian McIver, all rights reserved. the interior
Sumer Erek, 'Newspaper House', newspaper and mixed media, 2008. Photo: Gillian McIver. Courtesy: Gillian McIver, all rights reserved. SUMER EREK'S NEWSPAPER HOUSE INSTALLATION
Photo: Gillian McIver. Courtesy: Gillian McIver. teamwork, rolling up papers for the House