Page 2322 – a-n The Artists Information Company
amy pierpoint, 'death of a painter', wax hair clothing manaquin bits shoes glasses., 2008. Photo: amy pierpoint. Courtesy: amy pierpoint. sculpture of mark rothko after he committed suicide.
amy pierpoint, 'death of a painter', wax hair clothing manaquin bits shoes glasses., 2008. Photo: amy pierpoint. Courtesy: amy pierpoint. sculpture of mark rothko after he committed suicide.
Manuel Castro Cobos, 'May 3', woodcut and inkjet, 2001. Photo: not known. Courtesy: Wrexham Print International 2007 . Manuel Castro Cobos May 3 woodcut/inkjet £300
Manuel Castro Cobos, 'Mayo 30--Julio 10, 2001', woodcut and inkjet, 2001. Photo: not known. Courtesy: IPCNY. Mayo 30--Julio 10, 2001 Inkjet with woodcut. Edition of 1 27 1/2 x 19 inches
Carroll Dunham, 'Sun', intaglio and inkjet, 2000. Photo: not known. Courtesy: IPCNY. Carroll Dunham, Sun, 2000, Intaglio and digital print. Edition of 2543 x 53 1/4 inches, Published by ULAE
Russell Crotty, ' Four Seasons in our Galaxy', silkscreen and inkjet, 2004. Photo: unknown. Courtesy: IPCNY. Four Seasons in Our Galaxy, 2004 Archival inkjet pigment and silkscreen varnish on paper. Edition of 35, 20 x 20 inches eachPrinted by Axelle Editions, Published by CRG Gallery, NY
Alex Pearl, 'Journey (working title)', animation, 2008.
Graham Swain, 'Architectural anomaly II', Oil pastel and quink ink.
Paul Hirst, 'Untitled', Oil on paper, March 2008. Sample landscape
Paul Hirst, 'Untitled', Oil on paper, March 2008. sample landscape
Paul Hirst, 'untitled', Oil on paper, March 2008. 1 of a 100 paintings for my final show
Birgit R. Deubner, 'from 'the train-journey-window-view''.
Alex Pearl, 'Untitled (work in progress)', video, 2008. The second voyage of the Eva
Alex Pearl, 'Black Flag Planting Robot', video, 2008. It doesnt work
Martha Rosler, 'Hothouse, or Harem', Collage, 1972. Courtesy: PS1.
'Smartie'. My Sealyham terrier. She knows what she likes...
Alex Pearl, 'High Seas Adventure (working title)', Table, ship from a bottle, mechanical device, 'push to make' switch, blutack, 2008.
Alex Pearl, 2008. A studio shot including a world map that I am using to use to trace the progress of The Black Flag Game.