Alex Pearl, 'Incident at Sea (work in progress)', mixed, 2008. Next week this will be encased in glittery water.
'Sweet thing'. Wrapper from the small 'gift' of chocolate that I was kindly given at the buddhist temple.
Alexandra Selwyn-Gray, 'Little Nun', Photography on steel, 2007. Photo: Alexandra Selwyn-Gray. Courtesy: Alexandra Selwyn-Gray.
Christopher Parkes, 'As I lay bare', Living installation, 2007.
Christopher Parkes, 'Grassed site', Living installation, 2007.
Christopher Parkes, 'The Humble', c-print, 2007.
'Men Scryfa - an ancient landscape...'.
'Carn Galva looking down over Bosigran to the sea'.
Stuart Mayes, 'I_you', performance text, 1997.
Alex Pearl, 'untitled (work in progress)', toy boat, plastic bag, polystyrene beads, 2008. Photo: Alex Pearl. An idea for a book of photos (maybe)
Jane Ponsford, 'Accumulate 2', Hand made paper cast onto piano wire, 2007. Another piece made specifically for St George's. This one is staying there in the font as reminder of the residency.
Suzanne Mooney, 'The Secret Life of Things (installation shot)', 2008. Photo: Alex Pearl. A late night shot of a second hand souvenir which forms part of one of the pieces in Suzanne Mooney's show at BCA Gallery
Stuart Mayes, 'drawing 1', pastel, paper, January 2008. I made this on the desk - it's not BIG enough, not drawing enough. I hope scale will scupper uptightness