Page 2327 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Alex Pearl, 'Its only a flesh wound', 2008. My bum is more spectacular.
Alex Pearl, 'Accident', pen, 2008. an artist's impression of our crash
Mark Newton, 'Solo', Drawing on paper, Feb. 2008. Photo: Mark Newton. Prep. Drawing done in 10mins looking at how quickly an image concept can be "discovered".
Mark Newton, 'Desire, Passion & Sex', Acrylic on Canvas, Feb. 2008. Photo: Mark Newton. Promo. photo of my project for 2008.
Judith Alder, 'Two cabins', pen on paper, 21 February 2008. Photo: Judith Alder.
Judith Alder, 'greenhouses', pen on paper, 21 February 2008. Photo: Judith Alder.
'Musings', Studio board.
19 February 2008. Photo: Judith Alder. Footprints on my inky screen
roz cran.
Rachel Howfield, 'too many things squashed into a small space', sketchbook , 24.2.08. Photo: Rachel Howfield.
Rachel Howfield, 'the slightly depressing bottom line', wire, 27.2.08. Photo: Rachel Howfield.
'SW from Galva towards Mounts Bay with ancient fortified hedge dissecting the landscape'.
'NW from Galva towards Bosprennis'.
'Galva Prehistory', Google Earth image overlaid with archaeological drawing.
Alex Pearl, 'Interactive incident', tooth pick holder, filler, hornby figure, glitter, water, paper, wood, 2008. Photo: Alex Pearl. detail
Alex Pearl, 'Interactive incident', tooth pick holder, filler, hornby figure, glitter, water, paper, wood, 2008. Photo: Alex Pearl. surprisingly non leaky
Alex Pearl, 'Flag', pencil, record sleeve, 2008. Photo: Alex Pearl. work in progress
Alex Pearl, 'Scrolling animated landscape contraption', mixed, 2008. Photo: Alex Pearl. Animation machine
'Tor Enclosure', Pencil & graphite on paper.
Philippa Jane Watson, 19/02/08. Photo: Giuseppe Lambertino.
AJ MOESBY, 'FORGET', Emulsion. Acrylic. Photo: AJ MOESBY.
AJ MOESBY, 'Building Clutter', DIGITAL STILL. Photo: AJ MOESBY.
Ready for the floor
'Yvonne Rainer: The Mind is a Muscle by Catherine Wood'. Courtesy: Afterall Books.
Wayne Chisnall, When I'm a Man, 1998.
See RBS Bursary Awards