Charles Mulligan III, 'untitled', drypoint, inkjet, 2007. Photo: Charles Mulligan III. Courtesy: Flickr.
Ida Kumoji, 'untitled', lino and inkjet, 2007. Photo: Ida Kumoji. Courtesy: Flickr.
Moominsean, 'untitled', woodcut and inkjet, circa 2007. Photo: not known. Courtesy: Flickr.
Carmon Colangelo, 'Silkwoods Bones', Silkscreen on digital print, date unknown. Photo: photographer unknown. Courtesy: courtesy Bruno David Gallery.
Alex Pearl, 'Black Flag Kit (prototype)', flag pick, blutack, zip-lock bag, 2008. Photo: Alex Pearl. I plan to make a black flag kit so people can go and claim discovery of places and others can be disappointed that someone got there first.
Alexandra Selwyn-Gray, 'On the Way to St. Peter', photo, 2007. Photo: Alexandra Selwyn-Gray. Courtesy: Alexandra Selwyn-Gray. photo on steel
Alexandra Selwyn-Gray, 'A Bridge of Choice', photo, 2007. Photo: Alexandra Selwyn-Gray. Courtesy: Alexandra Selwyn-Gray. photo on steel
'Helen Thomas', January 2008. Photo: Helen Thomas. Dusk. Looking along Midsummer Arcade, towards Maslen and Mehra exhibition at Milton Keynes Contemporary.
Judith Alder, 'Untitled', screenprint/monoprint, 13 February 2008. Photo: Judith Alder.
Judith Alder, 'Mapping the Allotment', screenprint, 13th February 2008. Photo: Judith Alder.
'From Lower Porthmear to Bosigran Farm in January'.
'New Studio Building designed by Architects HawkinsBrown'. Photo: Mike Cameron. Courtesy: Wysing Art Centre.
Various. Photo: Mike Cameron. Courtesy: Wysing Arts Centre. Exhibition of Wysing Studio Artists Work