Page 2335 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Cas Holmes, 'Folding Book Woodblock', Paper, textiles mixed media, 2007. Photo: Cas Holmes. Book made from street waste from the main bazaar, Delhi
Cas Holmes, 'Traces Installation', Paper, textiles mixed media, 2007. Photo: Cas Holmes. Traces Installation detail
Cas Holmes, 'Traces Installation', Paper, textiles mixed media, 2007. Photo: Cas Holmes. Traces Installation at Rochester Cathedral to be exhibited at Transitions
Sheila Ravnkilde, '8 PAIRS in situ', Oct 26 - Dec31 07. Photo: Sheila Ravnkilde. Installation at HMS
'Allotment Show, Standing Room'.
Alex Pearl, 'Incident at Sea', mixed, 2008. Photo: Alex Pearl.
Alex Pearl, 'Incident at Sea (detail)', mixed, 2008. Photo: Alex Pearl.
Bedford Bus station
Heather Tweed, 'Anubis School Boys'.
Thomas Donaldson, 'A Pig, a Clown and a Sex Object'.
Alex Pearl, 'Katie's lucky pants', pen, 2008.
Alex Pearl, 'Maiden voyage', video, 2008. footage from Eva's abortive maiden voyage
Alex Pearl, 'Eva', wood, 2008. Photo: Alex Pearl. Mark one
Alex Pearl, 'untitled (work in progress?)', video, 2008. Whale about to surface?
Alex Pearl, 'Arrival', video, 2008.
The labyrinth and peace pagoda next to Willen lake North.
'memorial II (detail)', Still from video of performance, May 2007.
Alex Pearl, 'untitled (work in progress)', video, 2008. A paper ship afloat on a bed sheet inflated by fans
Alex Pearl, 'Ice Flow', velvet, tinted glass, model figures, 2008. Photo: Alex Pearl. work in progress
Alex Pearl, 'Incident at Sea', White tack, hornby figures, 2008. Photo: Alex Pearl. Not really an incident at sea
Helen Thompstone, 'Walnut Tree', Sticky back Beech and Walnut.