Page 2341 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Joe Moran, 'My Father's Grace '. Courtesy: Dance Art.
Alex Pearl, 'untitled', video still, 2008.
'Secklow Mound'. Photo: Helen Thomas.
Photo: Helen Thomas. First sight of central Milton Keynes approaching via the redways from the south.
Hanadi Traifeh, 'Day 49'.
Hanadi Traifeh, 'Day 39'.
Hanadi Traifeh, 'Day 27'.
Hanadi Traifeh, 'Day 15'.
Hanadi Traifeh, 'Day 1'.
Polaroids and Ken's shed
Larisa Blazic, 'DO YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU', Interactive installation, 8 FEBRUARY - 9 MARCH 2008. Photo: Larisa Blazic. Courtesy: Larisa Blazic.
Just before midnight on Christmas Eve, 6/7 January 2008. Documentation of performance.
Alex Pearl, video. a bit of polystyrene floating in the river
'A razor saw'.
'Oystering a twig'.
Helen Thompstone, 'Christmas Cross section'.
Alexander Stevenson, 'Parchment & Palimpsest', Blackboard, chalk and projection.
Alexander Stevenson, 'Bel, Parchment & Palimpsest', Stretched hide and ink.
Alex Pearl, video. polystyrene ice flo
Alex Pearl, 'untitled', video, 2008. Enhanced image, this part of the film is very dark
Alex Pearl, 'untitled', video, 2008. another still
11/01/2008. Photo: Helen Thomas. Detail of natural and architectural forms, Milton Keynes.
11/01/2007. Photo: Helen Thomas. New build in progress, Milton Keynes.