Page 2345 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Ana Laura Lopez De La Torre, 'Don't be racist to Jamaica, Love Black' - Participant of Say it Loud!.
© Ana Laura Lopez de la Torre and Hurvin Anderson.
Southwark's Black History Month Launch at Peckham Square, 2006.
Frank Abbott, Moose Memory.
Photo: Karen Fraser.
Vivienne Reiss, Bridget Sawyers, Vivienne Reiss and Bridget Sawyers.
Co-Directors of Art. Image: Dave Lewis
Richard Batterham, Ceramic jar and cover.
© Richard Batterham / Crafts Study Centre 2007.
Duncan Hart, Nexus:Communities, 2007.
Photo: Ian Frazer.
at An Tuireann
Neil Webb, The Stars in Us All, backlit aluminium panels with surface-exciting speakers, each panel 2x1m, 2007.
Photo: Christiane Thalmann.
Fiona Curran, Desert island discontent (detail), collage, 2006.
Joram ten Brink, still from The Journey, 16mm colour film, 2006.
Courtesy: the Artist.
Alana Jelinek, TrickleDown+, 2007.
Photo: Tatsuo Inagaki.
Tristan Hessing, Vector Construct (3), lambda print on dibond, 2007.
Fiona Curran, Some Kinds of Weather Create Situations, acrylic on linen, 2007.
Photo: Peter Hope.
Dave Miller, The lyrical terrorist.
Dave Miller, IT_manager.
Study for a character
John and me at the end of Southend Pier on a windy October day, 2004
Pablo Bronstein, 'Balletto Neoclassico. ', 2007. Courtesy: Galleria Franco Noero. Dancers from Teatro Nuovo, Torino.
Paul Bartholomew, Untitled, Acrylic on painted plaster, 2100mm x 5740mm.
Helen Thompstone, Fence post coaster
Helen Thompstone, Outdoor tea break
The farmers coffee table
John and Esme, Christmas 2006
Elpida Hadzi Vasileva, Install day 5
Elpida Hadzi Vasileva, Install day 5
Elpida Hadzi Vasileva, Install day 5