Page 2346 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Ann Walker.
Julie M. O'Neill.
Pamela Wells.
Alicja Rogalska.
Ania Bas and Dan Roberts.
Brendan Jackson.
Fred Baier, Journey through a log.
Photo: the artist.
Tim Bailey.
Photo: Simon Steven.
Pak Keung Wan, Untitled (detail), 2007.
Photo: Barry Roberts.
Pak Keung Wan, Untitled (detail), 2007.
Photo: Barry Roberts.
Hao Lang, Performance, 20th November 2007. Photo: Bryan Eccleshall. Hao Lang stomps his way through a disciplined exercise routine whilst smashing the mirror below him.
Lee Wen, '"More China Than You"', Performance, 20th November 2007. Photo: Bryan Eccleshall. Lee Wen displays his paper boat and the illustrious people within it. (Fish hidden).
N55, N55 Services, polyethylene, 100x44cm, 2007.
Courtesy: Collective Gallery.
(situated at Royal Commonwealth Pool, Edinburgh
N55, N55 Services, polyethylene, 100x44cm, 2007.
Courtesy: Collective Gallery.
situated at Central Library, Edinburgh
N55, N55 Services, polyethylene, 100x44cm, 2007.
Courtesy: Collective Gallery.
situated at The Meadows, Edinburgh
N55, N55 Services, polyethylene, 100x44cm, 2007.
Courtesy: Collective Gallery.
situated at Collective Gallery, Edinburgh
Reactor, The Tetra Phase, 2007.
Reactor, The Tetra Phase, 2007.
Choir reading Freee's Manifesto for a Counter-Hegemonic Art?, 2007.
Jyll Bradley, Lent Lily (detail), screen print wallpaper, 2007.
Courtesy: the artist.
Designed with Claire Turner and George Hadley
Melanie Jackson, The Undesirables (work in progress), etchings, transcripts, animated sequences, sound, 2007.
Courtesy: the artist.
Emi Avora, Lightcapsule, oil on canvas, 185x200cm, 2007.
Kate Rohde, Tail Harvest, 2007.
Courtesy: Austin Enterprises.
Bethan Lloyd Worthington, Drawing for Now Part of the Walmart series, 2004.
Jim Malone, Page from notebook, 2000-2006.