Page 2346 – a-n The Artists Information Company

The Mask

The Mask

Benjamin Senior, ‘The Mask’, Cliche Verre, 2007.
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Discontinued ('Nanna' detail)

Discontinued (‘Nanna’ detail)

Jock Mooney, ‘Discontinued ('Nanna' detail)’, plastic modeling compound, plastic, enamel paint, 2006-07.
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The Brazen Standard

The Brazen Standard

Cathy Ward, Eric Wright, ‘The Brazen Standard’, brass ornamentation and oil paint on firewood, 2007.
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In Your Own Time

In Your Own Time

Magali Reus, ‘In Your Own Time’, beach towels, aluminum, 2006.
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'Avant Garde'

‘Avant Garde’

Long March , ''Avant Garde''. Courtesy: Long March .
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In Just a Blink of an Eye, 2007

In Just a Blink of an Eye, 2007

XU ZHEN, 'In Just a Blink of an Eye, 2007'. Courtesy: James Cohan Gallery and PERFORMA 07, New York.
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Resonance Testing

Resonance Testing

Holly Rumble, ‘Resonance Testing’
Trying to locate the resonant frequency of the white stairwell.
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