Choir reading Freee's Manifesto for a Counter-Hegemonic Art?, 2007.
Jyll Bradley, Lent Lily (detail), screen print wallpaper, 2007.
Courtesy: the artist.
Designed with Claire Turner and George Hadley
Melanie Jackson, The Undesirables (work in progress), etchings, transcripts, animated sequences, sound, 2007.
Courtesy: the artist.
Emi Avora, Lightcapsule, oil on canvas, 185x200cm, 2007.
Kate Rohde, Tail Harvest, 2007.
Courtesy: Austin Enterprises.
Bethan Lloyd Worthington, Drawing for Now Part of the Walmart series, 2004.
Jim Malone, Page from notebook, 2000-2006.
Claire Curneen, Figure from sketchbook, 2000.
David Hancock, The Shadow of Death, acrylic on canvas, 144x143cm, 2007.
Louise Bourgeois, 'Cell VII', 1998.
by Anonymous
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by Anonymous
Display Ad, 032_0712_VA.
'Pink Sky', 2007. Photo: Rebecca McKnight.
Imogen Ashwin, "St Michael is a centrefold" - Michaelmas edition of Kalender.
Imogen Ashwin, Cordoned off - All Souls' Day
Imogen Ashwin, light and shadow, All Souls' Day
Imogen Ashwin, On the way to St Andrew's - All Souls' Day