Spectrogram close-up, 2007.
Adinda van 't Klooster
Imogen Ashwin, Free gift making in progress - elderberry beads (x 180!!)
Imogen Ashwin, Making the free gift for the Assumption Special issue of Kalender: paper beads dipped in elderberry juice (x 180!!)
Imogen Ashwin, Quatenus: Sign Two
Installation view, Dragon Hall - detail
Imogen Ashwin, Installation view, Dragon Hall
Imogen Ashwin, Dragon Hall installation view - Quatenus: Flowerface
Stuart Brisley, Manuel Vason. Photo: Manuel Vason.
Steven Cohen, Manuel Vason. Photo: Manuel Vason.
Miguel Perreira, Manuel Vason. Photo: Manuel Vason.
Manuel Vason, 'Encounters - book cover'.
Alex Pearl, untitled
Part of a book of photos I'll probably never show.
Helen Thompstone, Bullion
Having a bash with straw marquetry
Helen Thompstone, Stack
Electric motor scooter charging at Pickled Art
this is the other form of transport that I would like - the electric motor scooter. Cheap to run - and so quiet, you hardly hear them at all along the street.
Beng beng
actually I'm not sure if this counts as a beng beng ...but still, i know I would like one!