Brian Holdcroft, Note Pad
Brian Holdcroft, Moorland Signs
Brian Holdcroft, Line of Division
Brian Holdcroft, Felt Resistance
Cathy Busby and Garry Kennedy
in front of Cathy's work 'Whatever I like'
Cathy Busby, Cathy Busby and Garry Kennedy
in front of Garry's installation 'The Eight Banners', the section shown being Blue banner with Red outline
Bronze Armillary Sphere 1439
Sundial - not much info in English
Azimuth Theodolite 1715
Richard Moon, 'Tower', Oil on Canvas, 2007. Courtesy: Wyer Gallery.
Anna Kryzstek, 'STILL'. Photo: Lucy Cash.
Una Hamilton Helle , 'Mailund', Photography. Courtesy: