Cathy Busby, wall paintings, stenciled lettering, traditional Chinese table with copies of Whatever I Like, 100-page publication available free to visitors.
Cathy Busby, Whatever I Like
browsing publication at opening, Oct. 12, Pickled Art Centre.
Stencils used for Whatever I Like leaning against a nearby wall.
Stenciled license plate number, Beijing.
Judith Alder and Roz Cran
My New Card
My new business card, not very cool I know, but I wanted to advertise my generosity.
Gordon Flemons, One Way
pen on plastic bag
Gordon Flemons, Dead End
pen on plastic bag
Helen Thompstone, Berlin see saw
Jon Adams, Fill, 2008.
from Jon Adam's Blog on Projects unedited
Caroline Wright, Spiral (detail), gel pen on paper 1.8 x 1.5 mts.
Roz Cran and Judith Alder
15.13. Sky Diary. Judith Alder & Roz Cran
Caroline Wright, Drawing the Line, exhibition in Saffron Walden