Imogen Ashwin, Quatenus: Sign One
(Quatenus - 'In as much as').
Tony Conrad, Film feedback.
Karen Mirza, Brad Butler, The Space Between, 2005.
Courtesy: the artists.
Guy Sherwin, Newsprint film strip.
Magnus Quaife, Untitled.
Terry Atkinson, Greaser Slat 3, 1990.
Black: Implication Flooding, installation view at COLONY.
Sean Edwards, Untitled, gouache on chipboard.
Matthew Harrison, timber, veneers, cellulose painted aluminium brackets, stainless steel and aluminium fixings, steel, 2006-7.
Lucy Clout, Untitled, pastel paper, London brackets, painted
plywood shelf, four custom self-inking stamps, 2007.
Nils Norman, Portrait of our Lord Protector Gentrificator General, 2006.
Courtesy: the artist.
Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Queen Mother Nanny of the Mountains, burnt plywood, fabric, photocopies, vinyl record and sleeve, dimensions variable, 2006.
Strategic Questions Venice (detail), 2007.
Curated by Gavin Wade. Isola di San, Servolo, Venice Biennale.
Jock Mooney, 'Inventory, (front), 2004-ongoing, Moron'omo, (back), wall painting', 2006. Photo: Colin Davison.
From 'I wish I had electricity in my fingers then I'd blast ya', 2006.