Rolling Stones
September 3, 2007. Beijing
September 3, 2007. Beijing
Alison Kershaw, well loved, 2002.
lit sign, Victoria Baths.
st lukes art project base studio
Helen Thompstone, Burr Bird
C. Morey de Morand Waving a Farewell from Berlin Studio windows
C. Morey De Morand, Desire To Remember.
C. Morey De Morand, Milchhof.
Berlin Series
Sarah Stamp, Our vision for the future
A draft version of the speech I am recording
Catherine Clover, Rubbing
This rubbing is taken from some leaves from the ancient Japonica in the Confucius Temple [ie is not self seeded]. The tree is known as the "Hunchback Chinese scholar tree" and looks as old as the one at Dong Yue Miao.
Catherine Clover, More rubbings
These two plants were located growing at the base of the Imperial Tablet of Emperor Qianlong at the Dong Yue Miao temple.
Catherine Clover, Rubbing
This plant is an offspring from the highly valued 800 year old tree at the Dong Yue Miao temple. This tree brings much good luck, and devotees are encouraged walk around the tree in an anti-clockwise circle.
Stuart Mayes, Bed, live work
Stuart Mayes, Bed, live work
Stuart Mayes, Bed, live work